Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Artistic Mother's Group

I'm sure many of you have heard about Shona Cole's book, The Artistic Mother. I follow her blog and recently started reading her book. I found this wonderful group hosted by Trudy Callan called The Artisitic Mother's Art Group .
Artisc Creations With Trudy
We are reading and creating with Shona's book and giving ourselves and one another encouragement. I have been following along, but I am behind in keeping up with my creations. That silly thing called "life" tends to get in the way at times.

I love to create, but sometimes I have trouble juggling everything, household responsibilities, kids, pets, spouse, work, art.......Shona's book is helping me to learn to balance things better and appreciate even very small windows of opportunity to create. If you find it hard to balance your "life" and responsibilities and still create, you might want to grab Shona's book and join us! We're a large group and growing!

So, I created something small the other day. I was playing with my Purple Cows laminator and decided to make some bookmarks. I wanted to see what I could run through the laminator. I mixed alcohol inks, bits of crayons and stamped images for some interesting effects....


Trudy said...

So glad you are finding that balance. It is a challenge for us all. I love your bookmark. It's lovely.

I have a button for The Artistic Mother's art group if you would like to grab it and put it in your sidebar.

Have the best day ever!

Host of The Artistic Mother's Art Group

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